(Programs are provided over the course of a 4 or 6 month period.)


The Signature CLW Functional Lab Testing Analysis Healing Program is offered over the course of 4 or 6 month time frames. This healing program is exclusively and individually designed for those clients seeking to significantly improve their health through a customized treatment program that relies upon various types of Functional Lab Tests based upon the specific goals of each client. Our focus is placed on the wide range of benefits obtained by having Functional Lab Tests administered to clients based upon their unique goals and health needs.

At the core of the Functional Lab Testing Analysis Healing Program, is the health and nutrition data we receive from Functional Lab Tests needed for developing a clear protocol and beginning the journey on a path towards healing through a natural and holistic approach. Our protocols are adjusted as the program proceeds over either a 4 or 6 month period by closely monitoring essential information necessary for improving a clients health, which we believe is best obtained by investigating what is going on in the body. This critical information is obtained by determining the specific and appropriate Functional Lab Tests appropriately determined for each and every client by a skilled and highly trained nutritionist. We do not utilize a “one size fits all” approach, which is the reason The Signature CLW Functional Lab Testing Analysis Healing Program is focused on the science and data obtained through Functional Lab Testing.



How does Functional Lab Testing help and what does The Signature CLW 4 or 6 Month Functional Lab Testing Analysis Healing Program Include?


*Having access to a large range of Functional Lab Tests is critical for developing individualized healing programs.

* We obtain lab results and interpret information based upon different blood work panels, food sensitivity testing, mold testing, hair tissue mineral analysis, stool testing and saliva hormone testing, and many more.

* As a result, we are able to provide clear guidance and support on how to improve your test result markers to better improve you overall health and well-being based upon your goals and the strategic plan developed by a highly trained Nutritionist.

* To heal and accomplish your goals it is essential to conduct retesting during your program to ensure that we are seeing results measured by lab work markers so we can see that the strategy developed has greatly improved your health and your lab work is back within ideal healthy ranges.


Please understand that The Signature CLW Functional Lab Testing Analysis Healing Program is not a good fit, if:


1.) You're looking for a quick fix.

2.) You're just looking for food and diet recommendations or meal plans.

3.) You're not ready to commit to change for a healthier lifestyle.

4.) You're not ready to invest in the necessary lab testing and supplements.

5.) You’re unable to take the time to invest in yourself and our program designed specifically for you.





If you are interested in becoming a client for our Signature CLW 4 or 6 Month Functional Lab Testing Analysis Healing Program, you can apply online to become a client here. After your application is submitted and reviewed, one of our client coordinators will be in contact to schedule a call towards your next steps. We look forward to connecting with you on your path to healing!


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