Energy Vampires + Your Health

With over 16 years of working with men, women and children of all ages, one of the greatest deterrents I have come across in someone’s health and healing time is who they are surrounded by. Relationships, whether a love relationship, a family member, friend, colleague or neighbor, can positively or negatively impact our health and well-being – emotionally, mentally AND physically.

We have all heard of people in our lives or people we know of who are not nice, or for lack of better words may be known as a “jerk.” Energy Vampires is a term to describe people who are well beyond the common “jerk.” Below are the common characteristics of true Energy Vampires.


Characteristics of a true Energy Vampire:

-Emotionally distant

-Cannot take criticism

-They know no boundaries

-Are delusional and truly believe their own lies

-Make you second guess reality

-Take zero responsibility for their actions, hard time saying sorry

-They are always victims and place blame on everyone else besides themselves

-Lack empathy for others

-Needs to always be in control

-Does not listen to or respect authority and or the law

-Are almost always cheaters

-They deeply believe there is nothing wrong with them or their actions

-Are highly critical

-Jealous of other’s success

-Manipulative and master’s of “Love Bombing”

-Pathological liar

-Appears charming, fooling most people around them

-Jealous and deeply insecure

-Addicted to superficial things

-Are extremely covert

-See people as objects

-Are master gaslighters

-“Charm to Harm” sums up their relationships

-Their exes are always “crazy”

-Their abuse happens usually slowly and covertly over time, making you question your own reality and intuition every step of the way

-Usually obsessed with money and power

-Believe that they are superior to others


WHO Are Energy Vampires?

Narcissists: a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.

Psychopaths: a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.

Sociopaths: Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.


What to do?


Dealing with any form of an Energy Vampire can DIRECTLY negatively impact any and all aspects of your health as these individuals bring about an air and energetics of constant or frequent chaos and drama. Having a close relationship with someone who falls underneath this category of individuals puts the body into a chronic state of “fight or flight” as chronic stress is almost always associated with being in close contact with an energy vampire. When we are under chronic stress and or in "fight or flight" mode, our energy levels, digestion, immunity, hormones, and weight can all be greatly impacted.

The only true way to break-free from such toxic individuals, is to stick to a “no-contact rule” or an “all is well, fare weather” rule distancing yourself without the Energy Vampire knowing you are distancing yourself. The first step is to truly know how to classify who you are dealing with (Narcissist? Sociopath? Etc.) and then from there, make a conscious choice to distance yourself as much as humanly possible. A cardinal rule and tactic for people to break free from these types of toxic individuals is to remain boring! Engage less and less, give one-word answers, do not reveal there are any issues and very slowly back away and distance yourself. The Energy Vampire will get “bored” easily and will be on to the next source of manipulative fuel they need and crave.

I have been incredibly blessed to have an amazing network of family and friends for the majority of my life. It was not until my early 30s did I encounter my first true Narcissist/Sociopath, which I have later learned is incredibly common for those known as “empaths.” Although that experience was unbelievably challenging, I am so grateful for the lessons I have learned through that relationship. One of the ways I truly broke free and healed from that experience was reading this book:

“Dodging Energy Vampires” by Dr. Christine Northrup.



This book completely changed my life and from that moment on, I began educating myself on every aspect of Energy Vampires in order to fully heal and be able to spot these types of individuals faster in the future. While doing so, I also realized that many of my clients were also experiencing similar hardships dealing with their own forms of Energy Vampires in their lives, whether it was their significant other, boss, neighbor or friend. One of the biggest challenges for those dealing with an Energy Vampire is the distancing. What if the Energy Vampire is your parent, child or spouse? This is extremely common and in the book: Dodging Energy Vampires by Christine Northrup, there are step by step guides to help you navigate such a challenging undertaking. Additionally, I recommend following these accounts on Instagram to help through navigating these types of relationships:





I hope this post was beneficial in some way for you or someone you know, and I hope you find the healing that you so deserve.

Lots Of Love,